Welcome to the Nationale Koren
We offer choral experience to young people ages 9 to 29 in one of the Nationale Koren, or with the Juniors for children ages 6 and up. There are weekly rehearsals in small groups in the region, projects with orchestra and opera, for example at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, and choir tours to help talent flourish.
Choirs and soloists
There are four Nationale Koren: the National Children's Choir, National Boys' Choir, National Women's Youth Choir and the National Mixed Youth Choir. In addition to the training that singers gain in choral settings, the Nationale Koren also offer training spots for soloists.
Upcoming Concerts
Over the years, the Nationale Koren has collaborated in more than one hundred different productions, both in chorus and with soloists, at home and abroad.
Below is the current concert schedule.
- Concert
- Concertgebouw Amsterdam
- Concert
- Concertgebouw Amsterdam
- Concert
- Concertgebouw Amsterdam
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Singing touches the heart and connects us in a unique way. It is not...
Nicolas Mansfield will become the new executive director of Vocal Talent Nederland effective Jan. 1, 2025....
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