Subsidy for Vocaal Talent Nederland

Vocaal Talent Nederland has received the positive news that a subsidy will be granted for the next four years after all! The Rijksoverheid will provide funding for almost the entire amount requested, which was previously denied after a positive assessment.

The commitment means a lot to us as a team and most importantly: to the future of the young singing talents we are committed to.

The importance and necessity of both teaching/vocal training and performance practice in the National Choirs have been emphatically and convincingly endorsed in recent months by many inside and outside the profession. Partly because of this tremendous appreciation and support for our work, the initial threat of a major subsidy cut has been averted and Vocaal Talent Nederland | Nationale Koren can enter the next phase with new elan.

Below are the 6 organizations for talent development for children and youth in classical music and jazz that will still receive government funding as of January 2025.

Wilma ten Wolde, managing director Vocaal Talent Nederland | Nationale Koren

Talent Development Singing
Vocaal Talent Nederland | Nationale Koren

Talent Development INSTRUMENTAL
National Youth Orchestras Netherlands
Ricciotti Ensemble
Britten for Young Musical Talent

Talent development CONCOURSES
Princess Christina Competition
Dutch Violin Competition


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