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The National Children's Choir was founded in 1989, and grew out of the policy of the then SNK foundation (later Unisono / Kunstfactor) and its staff member Silvère van Lieshout to promote children's choral singing in the Netherlands. The initial goal of the National Children's Choir was to function as a demonstration and example children's choir. A role that continues to this day in the steadily growing appreciation for the discipline, the increase in the number of children's choirs in the country and the repertoire percolating nationwide. The first concert took place in Workum in conjunction with a radio recording. The present form with nationwide teaching venues began in 1991.
In 1996, the National Youth Choir was formed as a follow-up to the National Children's Choir.
The ministry's policy intention to strengthen the support function of the national institutions by shifting some of the financial flows to the field (1997-2000 Culture Note) led the SNK to dispose of both choirs in 1998. On the initiative of, among others, Tom Doude van Troostwijk and Cees Riksman, both choirs were accommodated in a newly established 'National Children's Choir | National Youth Choir Foundation'.
In January 1999, Silvère van Lieshout stepped down and was succeeded by Wilma ten Wolde (also director-director of the Vocaal Talent Nederland | Nationale Koren Foundation from 2011 to 2025).
'Identifying and bringing young vocal talent to fruition'
In 2001, the new artistic leadership and the then board of directors reconsidered the mission of the organization. This led to a clear and unambiguous choice : to identify and bring young vocal talent to fruition. The change of the foundation name to Vocaal Talent Nederland (VTN) also made clear the change in mission and vision. The choirs are not an end in themselves, but a means to musically develop young talent.
In 2006, the Broadcasting Music Center was forced to dispose of the Omroep Boys' Choir they had founded due to budget cuts within the broadcasters. VTN accommodated the Omroep Boys' Choir and transformed it into the National Boys' Choir, with the goal of promoting singing by boys on a national level.
In 2011, training opportunities for young singers at Vocaal Talent Nederland were further expanded by the creation of the National Mixed Youth Choir, a choir that accommodates basses, tenors, altos and sopranos. This choir came in addition to the already existing National Youth Choir, which was then renamed the National Women's Youth Choir.
Irene Verburg has served for many years as vocal coach and conductor of the National Boys' Choir, associated with the Nationale Koren, and since 2021 also as co-artistic director alongside Wilma ten Wolde. Under Irene's leadership, the range of singers was expanded to include soloist classes.
As of September 2023, Wilma ten Wolde transferred the artistic duties to László Nemes and Irene Verburg, and as of January 2025, the role of director-director to Nicolas Mansfield.
Since the 2001 cultural policy period, VTN has received multi-year subsidies from the Ministry of OCW. From 2009 through the Cultural Participation Fund and from 2025 through the Performing Arts Fund (Talent Development).