Guide children with care and attention in the early development of musicality, imagination, expression and vocal freedom

The youngest children (6-9) can start in the Juniors, divided by age and level. There is also a Junior group especially for boys. Singing and playing, the first steps in musical development are taken here with great pleasure. Led by experienced music teachers Marjolein Verburg and Anouk Vinders, the children are guided with care and attention in the early development of musicality, fantasy, expression and vocal freedom.

In a relaxed atmosphere, the children's natural musicality is further developed through musical games, dance and improvisation to address different aspects of singing and making music together. Using relative solmization, hand gestures and rhythmic language, the children take their first steps in their musical growth, on their way to being able to hear, read, write and perform music independently.

With the youngest children the emphasis is on repertoire in their own language including children's song and singing games. Subsequent groups follow a teaching program that integrates voice formation, repertoire in different languages, polyphony, simple music theory and solfège so that after a few years they can advance to the National Boys' Choir or National Children's Choir.

For boys and girls ages 6 to about 9 who love to sing!

  • Weekly classes are offered in small groups in one of 10 teaching locations across the country.
  • Once a month there is a singing morning -afternoon on Sunday at a central location in the country, where Juniors from around the country practice together in level groups:
    Boys-Juniors led by Marjolein Verburg
    Juniors led by Anouk Vinders
  • Twice a year there is a family concert.
  • For classes and singing days, we follow the school vacations.
  • Very young children attend only the weekly classes and do not yet attend the national singing days.

After the Juniors, children can audition for the National Children's Choir (j/m) or National Boys' Choir.




Trial lesson Juniors (6-9 years old)
Young children can join the Juniors without an audition. Upon mutual enthusiasm after a trial lesson, we offer a six-month trial period in one of the Junior groups. In June or in December, we will listen to the musical and vocal growth over the past period and advise whether, in our opinion, the National Choirs is the best place for your child to develop further.

Using the button below, you can sign up for a Trial Class.