
ANBI data

The Vocaal Talent Nederland Foundation, which organizes the Nationale Koren, among other events, has been designated as a Cultural ANBI by the tax authorities. Donations to the Vocaal Talent Nederland Foundation are therefore tax deductible. As a condition, the tax authorities require the publication of a number of details, which can be found below.

Name of institution: Vocaal Talent Nederland Foundation
Fiscal Number (RSIN): 807740925
Contact details: Plompetorengracht 24, 3512 CD Utrecht
Statutory objective: to scout and bring young vocal talent to fruition.

Outline policy plan
The Vocaal Talent Nederland Foundation (VTN) has been making an important contribution to the development of young singing talent aged 6 to 29 since 1989. Children and youth are scouted throughout the country and meet in multiple regions, anyone with talent can participate, for financial barriers we find a solution. In order to help children and young people flourish (our mission), we pay a lot of attention to the musical and personal development of the participants. We bring them together, work weekly on their vocal, musical and social development, provide intensive guidance and an inspiring and safe environment, offer plenty of opportunities to work and grow together. The enthusiasm and growth are contagious and promote cohesion and inclusiveness.
Important sources of inspiration and basis for the continuous development of talents are the four Nationale Koren, which are also under VTN: the National Children's Choir, National Boys' Choir, National Mixed Youth Choir and National Women's Youth Choir. Performing before an audience in a professional setting adds a crucial dimension to cultural and personal education.

VTN scouts young talents and organizes auditions for admission to teaching positions and choirs. The driving force behind our way of working is to give the young talents something to do, and to be of significance for their development that they will enjoy throughout their lives, professionally, as amateurs or just in everyday life.

The organization is led by a director-director, Nicolas Mansfield and an artistic directorate, Irene Verburg and László Nemes.

Policy Plan
2021 – 2024

Board composition
VTN has a Supervisory Board with a statutory director.
The managing director is ultimately responsible for the policy and realization of VTN's objectives. The composition of the Supervisory Board can be found here.

Compensation Policy
Executive salaries are in line with the collective bargaining agreement for Music Ensembles.
The members of the Supervisory Board receive no remuneration for their work.